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Epsom soaks or Epsom lotions Topical Epsom salts, which are magnesium sulfate, help reduce soreness and tension in muscles. It is well-known as nature’s natural muscle relaxer. A 20-minute warm soak in the tub is a great post-stress or workout relief. Available at supermarkets, drugstores, etc.

But what if you don’t have a tub? Or getting in or out would risk injury? Magnesium spray, which is a chloride form of magnesium offers a great alternative. This spray is used on sore or cramp-prone areas. Because it is a salt, avoid recently shaved or broken skin. Simply spray on after shower or before bed. Be sure to read the label directions. Health food stores often stock these sprays.

Epsom lotion is an option as well. This is a sulfate form of magnesium, typically mixed with other ingredients to stay in lotion form. Drugstores such as CVS usually have this in the first aid section.