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Medical Massage

Most people seek a massage for medical reasons- headaches, fatigue, recurrent discomfort in a particular spot – for relief of symptoms. Many conditions fall under the name medical massage – rotator-cuff tendonitis, fibromyalgia, TMJ, pinched nerves, acid-reflux, low back pain, sciatica, slipped discs.

The important difference between medical massage and other techniques is addressing causes of these conditions for long-lasting relief.

For example, Fibromyalgia  – As a person who has had fibromyalgia, Sue is uniquely qualified to help people with this condition regain their energy and health. Massage fast-tracks results using methods of flushing and soothing the body to reduce symptoms. The important message is that fibromyalgia does not have to win – you can reduce symptoms considerably with patience and care.

Massage for fibromyalgia is generally a course of therapy – regular appointments to reduce symptoms and improve mobility. As people can move more easily, activity helps in recovery along with massage. Sometimes pain is so bad people want the spots erased with heavy pressure. But gentle therapeutic touch does more to ease fibro symptoms than trying to whack them.

In some ways fibro presents an opportunity – to learn new, healthier ways to move and enjoy life!